First Chance .NET Exception Handling

I saw this article posted on Reddit’s programming feed*, which talks about a Visual Studio debugging technique for getting first crack at exceptions, before any upstream handlers run. The Debug->Exceptions dialog can be used to set the debugger to break before any exception handlers fire for a particular exception. This is useful not only for …

Using GPPG and GPLEX with Visual Studio

Here’s a quick note on a problem I ran into awhile back. I was using the GPPG and GPLEX parser tools as part of a Visual Studio project – the input files for these tools generate C# source files which are then compiled into the project. However, I noticed a problem with the recommended project …

Optimization Tradeoffs

This recent post by Raymond Chen highlights some interesting memory optimization scenarios, and the wide-ranging impact of size optimizations. A quick summary: Changing a structure definition such that a bunch of Win32 BOOLs use one bit each saves memory in the struct, because BOOL is typedef’d as an INT. Accessing the bitfield data members requires …

InstallShield Wastes My Valuable Time (Which I Could Be Using To Play a Game)

I’ve had to use InstallShield to create installers a couple of times. These were fairly unpleasant experiences — while InstallShield is indeed a pretty flexible tool, it also takes a lot of work to get anything accomplished. Their habit of releasing new versions of the package every year (and completely abandoning the previous versions) makes …